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World of Women

Dr. Rajdeep Chowdhury
ISBN : 978-93-85525-56-8

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Language : English
Subject Area : English
Date of Publication : 02-Jun-2019
Total Pages : 112
Publisher : A and V Publications
About Book :
The International Anthology has been compiled and edited with the intent of emphasizing the significance of the efforts by innumerable women in diverse spheres of work. World of Women is not only an apt title for the Anthology but epitomizes precise sentiment that runs in the veins, as the world would be bleak to subsist without women in various stratums of life. It is high time to recognize the untiring efforts and unconditional adore bestowed by the World of Women upon their counterparts and dedicate in a small manner by penning the innate feelings. Apiece poem in the Anthology celebrates womanhood and cherishes the unrelenting compassion. The Anthology is for the World of Women and penned by the World of Women, along with a special section from their counterparts, the Men. WoW is the acronym for World of Women and indeed World of Women are just WoW. Salute… Tribute… WoW…

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